Dementia Training Testimonials

“I found the course very interesting I think ALL staff should have to attend”

“I enjoyed the Positive Approach to Care education; the presentation was great!”

“Thank you to you and Yvette for including me in yesterday’s session. The session was very informative and eye opening.”

“I found it all very useful information and Yvette was wonderful teaching us.”

“Yvette showed us how we could hold a client’s hand while at the same time with that hand, hold a toothbrush so it’s like the client is brushing their own teeth! That was pretty cool!”

“It’s really great to learn new and useful skills!”

“I enjoyed the course. I think all of our staff need to take this course not just because of the dementia education but it has people skills too…”

“Great course!”

“I loved the session.”

“It was great, and I learned a lot”